March 2021 Meeting Notes

President Ritchie Farrell called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at the Fire Hall Meeting Room.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with one correction. Our meeting is held at the Fire Station Meeting Room, not the City Hall Meeting Room. 

There was no Treasurer’s report.

The revised arena use policy was distributed. It was decided to strike the sentence about Fair Week. The release of liability will remain in the Arena Use policy.

Ritchie had a bid of $28,000 from Chris Stupka for Arena lights. The bid included new wiring for the transformer.

Laura has been obtaining information for grants for the lighting project. Marleen and Laura will meet to go over the grant proposals.

Eric will talk to the High School Rodeo and FFA representatives about a 2022 rodeo here. It was noted that the rodeo was a lot of work and for the club, and sufficient help could be an issue. We have until December to let the HS Rodeo know if we are interested. Eric will contact the FFA to find out if they would be willing to help at a HS rodeo.

It was noted that EKHA is not charging club dues this year.

Aggie will attend the Fair Board meeting next week. The Fair Board will discuss Open Classes for the Fair, and possibly an Open Horse Show. 

Ron and Rick volunteered to work on the drainage at the Arena. Eric will move our tractor prior to the Optimist Sale next week. 

Equifest is March 5-6-7, and is now being held in Salina

The Activities and Buckle Series Committees will meet Monday, March 8, at 7:00 pm at the Fire Station meeting Room.

Donna will post area trail rides on the Facebook page. Charlie is hosting a trail ride on the second Sunday of the month

It was noted that the Wild Mustang Challenge applications are due April 1.

The motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and carried. The next meeting will be April 6 at the Fire Station Meeting Room.

Respectfully submitted, 

Marleen Parker, Secretary