May 2019 Meeting Notes

The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. The minutes were read with the corrections of the Board of Directors meeting date and one shade instead of two. Treasurer Brenda Lagasse reported the checking and savings.

The Board of Directors met and came up with a list of projects for the year.

We have been having with many gates being left open. Terry Greer made a motion to lock up the arena with a combination of padlocks and combination lock. Brenda Lagasse seconded and the notion passed.

A Rodeo sign up sheet was available for members to pick areas to help with the Rodeo.

Activities Committee
5/17 Jackpot Barrel Race
5/18 NBHA
5/31 Jackpot Barrel Race
Ed McCarty in Sept/Oct
Saddle Fit Clinic 9/29
It was suggested to have a tack swap.

The meeting was adjourned.