October 2020 Meeting Notes

Meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Ferrell.

Treasurer’s Report:

Brenda L provided a handout. Not much activity. Brenda had not seen Ron & Don to get them paid yet.

Old business:

Dental day – Donna B reported that not many people stayed for the horse training. Not many people were there for dental day. It was suggested that we may have another one in the spring along side the clinic day with Tallgrass.

Youth buckle series was well attended with 28 kids. October 11th is the next race day. Registration is at 12:00 p.m. and the races will begin at 1:00. The following race dates are October 25th, and November 8th.

Halloween fun day is scheduled for October 31st at 2:00 p.m. Costumes, candy, and games.

New Business:

The arena needs to be painted, mow the weeds, apply shingles, and winterize the concession stand. Donna B asked what we should do with the remaining food. It was discussed to serve the food at a work night which could be scheduled on a buckle series date or before the halloween fun day maybe. The tarps will also have to be taken down.

Edgar J wants to hold a kids ranch rodeo. He called Ritchie F and Ritchie asked him for more details then to get back to Ritchie.

Late June- Early July it was discussed to have a break away roping clinic.

Aggie M mentioned that we need to work the arena before the races. The race track individuals used our packing tool and broke it. It was also mentioned that the arena needed to be watered and worked. It was suggested that the club ask Eric V if he could water it. It was also mentioned to ask John B if the club could borrow his tractor to work the arena if ours was not going to be up and running by the races.

Brenda L mentioned we need a nominating committee this year. Aggie M and Liz P volunteered.

Motion to adjourn was made by Brenda L. Seconded by Aggie M.