August 2018 Meeting Notes

The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. The minutes were read and approved. Treasurer Brenda Lagasse reported the checking and savings with some Rodeo sponsors having yet to pay.

Old Business

We are working on getting grant information to pay for the second shade. We will store tarps in the concession stand during the winter to prolong their life.

Rodeo Business

Concession Stand: Donna Barleen made a motion to take $250 and donate to the American Legion (PeeWee Baseball). Terry Greer seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Junior Barrels: Takes too long, some of the children entered didn’t know the pattern. We will need to have a discussion on this topic.
Help: We need a sign up sheet for position to help.
Contestant only gate and give gate help a list of contestants.
Long line for Porta Potties.

New Business

PA system isn’t working, we need it fixed for this weekend. Ritchie will look at it.

The Fairboard will be working on the old restrooms and will provide Porta Potties while the restrooms are unavailable. Dates are 8/11-12 and 8/25

EKHA $250 to the Fairboard for the electric hookups.

NBHA hasn’t paid in two years.

With several things (roasters, etc.) that have gone missing, Donna has suggested changing the locks. Several options were discussed and Donna will look into it.

8/12 Kyra Voss Memorial Roping & Barrel Race
8/25 Ranch Rodeo
9/16 Youth Buckle Series
9/22 Fall Fest Parade

Ritchie Farrell will organize a concession stand for the Ranch Rodeo.

Erin Urban made a motion to spend $150 to host our website for three years with increased storage. Brenda seconded it and the motion passed.

Meeting adjourned.