June 2022 Meeting Notes

Minutes June 7, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell.  Secretary Marleen Parker read the minutes, which were approved as read.  Treasurer Brenda Lagasse reported the checking and savings, and her report was approved as read.

Ritchie thanked everyone for helping at work nights. More help is needed, as we have a lot to do before the Rodeo.

Old Business:

The cost of the lights for the north side of the Arena is $12,000 plus $2200 for labor and a new switch.

The CYRA Rodeo will be July 30th and 31st. It was noted that kids do not have to be CYRA members to participate. We will have a concession stand and help is needed.

New Business:   

New members were welcomed.

Rick has a refrigerator that he will sell to the club for $50. The motion was made, seconded, and approved to buy the refrigerator from him.

Manure bunkers were discussed, manure and shavings are being left all over the fairgrounds and we need a convenient place for people to clean out their trailers. Also discussed were security cameras, motion detector lights, and a donation box. John Boden indicated that the 4-H might be able to contribute to the security system.

Committee Reports:

Activities: No Trail Ride June 12, Charlie will be working cattle. The School’s Out Playday had few participants, but those who came had a really good time. The Equine Dentist will be here August 13th, contact Donna, as there may be a few openings left. July 3rd will be ice cream and fireworks.

Drill Team: Aggie reported that there are 6 riders, and they are practicing on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Rodeo: Sponsorships are coming in. We have received $1500 from the Cloud County Coop for the clown. Lance is putting together a “Big Boy calf Scramble’ for Saturday night. Eric will take care of the ambulance. We need to check with Tim Sjogren about porta potties. Charlie volunteered to put up the panels before the rodeo. Volunteers will put up the sign north of town on June 11th.  We still need help at the concession stand. Sign up sheets were passed around. The  “Empty Saddle” presentation will be Saturday night in honor of Dale Baumbach, Jeri Brown, and Cass Reynolds.

Arena Maintenance: There is lots to do before the Rodeo, everyone needs to pitch in.

The meeting adjourned.