September 5, 2023 Minutes

Minutes September 5, 2023

The meeting was called to order at the Arena by President Ritchie Farrell.  Secretary Marleen Parker gave the minutes of the July meeting, which were approved as read. The Treasurer’s report was given by Brenda Lagasse and approved as read. Brenda noted that there are still a few outstanding bills from the Rodeo.

Committee Reports:


Buckle series: We will need volunteers for the Buckle Series. Moving the starting line to the east to give contestants more room to stop their horses was discussed and agreed on. Requiring contestants to walk their horses around the main arena was discussed as a safety measure. Contestants may warm up their horses in the practice arena, or the fields to the south and west. No horses will be allowed around the bleachers. Riders must be ready to enter the Arena when their name is called. If they are not ready, they will move to the end of the list for that event. There will be a contestant/parent meeting at each event just prior to start. Donna volunteered to take entries. Aggie will help wherever she can when not riding.

The Equine Dentist is scheduled for October 14.

Rodeo: Tentative date is for July 12-13 2024. It was noted that our 2023 NCK rodeo Queen, Chloe Weber, rode in the Clyde Watermelon fest parade.

Arena report: Thanks to Rick for mowing, Ritchie and Lance for working the Arena. It takes a continuous effort to keep our Arena nice.   The manure bunker is being used and needs to be emptied. The fence for the practice Arena needs straightened and posts put in to support the panels.

Old Business:  We still have hats for sale at $15 each. Contact Brenda Lagasse if you want one. Erin is organizing the Fall Fest Parade.

New Business:

It was moved by Marleen, seconded by Aggie that we donate $300 to the CPRA for their Finals in recognition of their support for our Rodeo. Motion carried.

Awards for the Buckle series were discussed. It was moved by Donna, seconded by Rick that the kids riding in the Novice division will all get a prize, First in each youth division will get a buckle, Second will receive a plaque, Third will get a trophy, and the adults will be awarded a buckle for first, a plaque for second, and a $20 gift certificate for third. Motion Carried.  It was agreed that the fees for the Buckle Series remail at $5 per day for youth and $10 for adults.

The meeting adjourned.

M  Parker, Secretary