August 2022 Meeting Notes

The meeting was called to order by President, Ritchie Farrell. The minutes were read with one correction; the Rodeo Queen Contest was Thursday night. Treasurer, Brenda Lagasse, reported the checking and savings. There was not a Rodeo Report due to too many outstanding bills.

The CYRA organization was really great to work with for their Rodeo. CYRA is thinking about having their three-day event here on Labor Day weekend.

New Business

The grill really needs to be cleaned.

We need to ask the Fairboard to move the bleachers from the covered arena, in case we need to use it for the Buckle Series.

Brenda Lagasse asked if we wanted to donate for the KSRA Finals as we already donate to the CePRA Finals and Lance Lagasse donated $200 to the MSRA Finals (out of his pocket). Aggie Moore made a motion to donate $300 to CePRA and KSRA for their finals. The motion was seconded by Rick Croisant and the motion passed.

A Work Night is scheduled for August 9. We need to mow and weed eat. Other project to look into are Cook Shack roof, Crow’s Nest floor, and the Concession Stand key needs to be moved.

A Trail Ride is scheduled for August 14.

Aggie Moore and Branda Lagasse asked to be on the Nominating Committee.

The meeting adjourned.