September 2022 Meeting Notes

Minutes September 6, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell.  Secretary Marleen Parker read the minutes, which were approved as read.  Treasurer Brenda Lagasse reported that we have $32,050 total in checking and savings accounts. Several bills are outstanding.

Old Business:

.Brenda will send a donation of $200 to the Stolzenbergs.

The motion was made, seconded, and passed that we reimburse Donna Barleen $50 for the Equine Dentist. He needed a minimum of 10 horses, but only 9 came, due to last minute cancellations. Donna made up the difference, and all agreed that we needed to reimburse her. It was noted that he worked quietly and quickly and did a good job.

New Business:

Ritchie noted that there is still a lot of work on our facilities to be done before the end of the year, and we will need volunteers to help with painting and maintenance. The floor of the crow’s nest needs repair, as does the west wall and sill due to water damage. Aggie will contact Michael Hansen Construction for an estimate. Work nights were set for September 13th and 20th, Marleen is to post on Facebook.

It was moved and seconded, motion passed, to buy 100 hats for Buckle Series contestants. The extra hats will be sold to members who want them. The cost will be $8-$10 per hat. Brenda will order them.

Erin Urban will send in our application for the Fall Fest Parade.

Activities Report:

The Activities Committee reported that the first event in the Buckle series went well. We are starting from the West end of the Arena this year, and that is working very well. Next in the Series is September 18. Levi Herrmann farrier Service is our sponsor for the 1D buckle, The panels at the west end have been moved, and the road will be closed off during the next events for safety, as the HS trap shoot team is scheduled to practice on Sunday afternoons. Marleen will get in touch with Catherine Doud about pictures during the next event. Buckles will go to the winners of each division, and Rick is donating plaques for second place. A gift certificate for the third place winner in the Adult series was discussed and it was decided that a $20 gift certificate from Orschlen’s would be appropriate.  Eric had mentioned earlier that he would donate trophies for third place in the kid’s division, but he was absent at the Sept meeting.

The Activities Committee has arranged for the Annual meeting and Awards night to be held at the Broken Arrow in Aurora on December 11. The meal will be a buffet with smoked chicken, BBQ pork, potato salad, beans, salad bar at a cost of $10 for adults and $7 for kids. We’ll meet at 5:30, eat at 6pm.

Marleen Parker, Secretary