September 2014 Meeting Notes

The meeting was called to order by President Aggie Moore at 8:01 pm.

The minutes were read and approved.

The treasurer reported the checking and savings. Lance corrected LeDuc Memorial’s bill to $180 (6 @ $30) not $638.10. Lance and Brenda Lagasse brought checks from the KJRA and Jr High/High School Rodeo.

Activities Committee:

Kids’ Buckle Series is Sunday, September 21st

Trail Ride at Kanopolis is Sunday, September 14th. 8:30 am meet at the arena and head to Kanopolis. Sack lunch on trail and a potluck for supper.

Fall Fest Parade is Saturday, September 27th. We will meet at 3rd St. and Cedar St. at 9:30 am. Ride down to 9th St for line up at 10:00 am. Earl will scoop for us.

No Play Day on Sunday, September 21st.

Halloween Fun Day on Sunday, October 26th at 2:00 pm.

Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 6th.

Katie Revell Lehmann brought up a Reining Competition or Clinic in November, mid-month.

New Business:

Concession stand, the hand washing sink and freezer need to be moved in.

Charles Hansen fixed the East hydrant and we need to fix the West hydrant.

The flag pole was removed for the new power lines and needs to be replaced. Lance suggested the dead corner in the arena by the bulls.

Lance suggested to add more gates to the West end on the arena to aid in sorting cattle for the High School Rodeo.

Lance also suggested in boosting the added money for events in the rodeo (calf roping, team roping, steer wrestling, barrel racing, and bull riding). Added money for events that no one wins is used in the Finals.

Jeremiah Specht’s funeral will be Friday, September 5th at 10:30 am at the arena. Saddle Club members are invited to ride in his last ride. There is a work night scheduled Thursday, September 4th at 6:30 pm to prepare for the funeral. Aggie Moore made a motion to donate $100 towards expenses for Jessica Specht. Brenda Lagasse seconded and the motion passed.

Next meeting will be at the Chamber of Commerce at 8:00 pm.

At 8:57 pm the meeting adjourned.