December 2022 – Annual Meeting Notes

Minutes Annual Meeting December 11, 2022

The 2022 Annual Meeting was called to order at the Broken Arrow Saloon in Aurora by President Ritchie Farrell.  The meeting was preceded by a delicious buffet meal.

Secretary Marleen Parker read the minutes, which were approved as read.  The Treasurer’s report was unavailable.

Ritchie summarized the events of the past year and reviewed some of the projects to be completed in 2023.

Sign up sheets for committees were passed around. It was mentioned that Committee members are expected to attend planning sessions.

Winners of the Buckle Series were announced, and year end awards given.

Each rider in the Buckle series received an 8×10 framed photo of them and their horse competing.

Novice riders were called to come forward to pick a prize from the Prize Bucket. 

Buckle Series:  Belt Buckle to first place in each division, plaque to 2nd place, trophy to 3rd

 4D  1) Avery Busing 2) Brandy Sulanka

3D  1) Kinley Huggans 2) Jesse Voss 3) Kolby Tyler

2D   1) Addie Stensaas 2) Jake Voss

1D   1)  Taelor Hardesty 2) Amelia Hager 3) Kendall Hackerott


  1. Laura Hansen 2) Ashley Elsasser 3) Jessica Thurston

Our competitors, volunteers, and members were thanked for their time and effort in helping with events during the year.  A Big Thank you to Rick Croisant for making and donating the second place plaques. Eric Voss donated the 3rd place trophies.

Year End Awards

 Chuckwagon- Brenda Lagasse

Arena BossLance Lagasse

Top Hand- Rick Croisant.

Special Awards: Charlie Hansen and Ritchie Farrell were recognized with plaques made by Rick Croisant for their years of service and ongoing commitment to the NCK Saddle Club

Election of Officers

There were no nominations from the floor, and the motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the slate of Officers as presented by the Nominating Committee.

Officers for 2023 will be:

Ritchie Farrell, President

Eric Voss, Vice President

Marleen Parker, Secretary

Brenda Lagasse, Treasurer

Re-elected to the Board of Directors were Erin Urban and Rick Croisant.

The meeting adjourned.