November 2022 Meeting Notes

Minutes November 1, 2022

The meeting was called to order at the Fire Station by President Ritchie Farrell.  Secretary Marleen Parker read the minutes, which were approved as read.  Treasurer Brenda Lagasse gave the Treasurer’s report, which was approved as read.

Old Business: The concession stand has been winterized and no one is to run water in the concession stand until spring. Ritchie and Marleen power washed and cleaned the grill, and it looks much better. Mouse poison has been put out in the concession stands and the lower level of the Crow’s nest. Paint has been stored at Lance’s office.

The shades are down for the winter and stored in the south concession stand. Many thanks to Ritchie’s grandson Wyatt for helping with the shades. 

The Secretary will send out the annual meeting letters to the members. Our meeting will be at the Broken Arrow Saloon in Aurora on December 11. RSVP’s will need to be in by December 1.

New Business: Michael Hansen attended to present estimates for repairs to the Crow’s Nest. Discussion followed. The motion was made, seconded, and passed to have a Board of Directors meeting to discuss the repairs and to notify Michael of our decision within 3 weeks.

Brenda reported that the CPRA will hold rodeos next year.  How much the cost of the stock contractor will go up is not yet available. It was agreed that we want to stay on the same weekend for our rodeo.

Rick Croisant and Erin Urban will be going off the Board of Directors this year. Lance and Aggie were elected to the Board in 2020, and Josh and Charlie were elected in 2021. BOD terms are for 3 years. Anyone interested in running for an office or BOD position needs to contact Brenda or Aggie.

Brenda will have hats available for sale at the Annual Meeting. Cost will be $15.

Qualifications for Jr Barrels at the Rodeo were discussed. It was decided that kids must have competed in at least two of the four 2022 Buckle Series playdays to qualify to ride in the Jr Barrels at the 2023 Rodeo. The intent of the rule change is to let the kids in our club compete in the Junior Barrels. It was noted that kids must compete in their own age group.

Activities Report: The Buckle Series went well, we had a total of 33 youth that rode at least once. Awards will be given out at the Annual Meeting. First place in each division for the youth will receive a buckle, Second place gets a plaque, and Third will get a trophy. The Adults will receive a buckle for First,  a plaque for Second, and a gift certificate for Third place.

The Halloween playday was fun for all. In addition to the games, Jim Franey gave a short horsemanship lesson to the kids. Thank you to Jim for sharing his knowledge with us.

Catherine Doud took some great pictures during the Buckle Series and during the Halloween Playday. Thank you, Catherine.

Charlie will host a trail ride on November 13th at his place.

Aggie reported that the Fair Board meeting is next week, and she plans to attend.

The meeting adjourned.

Minutes November 1 continued

BOD Meeting

As a Quorum of the Board of Directors was present, they decided to meet following the regular meeting to discuss repairs to the Crow’s Nest.

After discussion, the motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept Michael Hansens’s bid of $6, 379.40 to repair the bottom of the Crow’s Nest,and weatherize the top,  and to pay for materials up front and the rest when the job is completed. No date was set for completion, as work will be dependent on the weather.

The meeting adjourned.